My preciouse Daddy <3

by val

My Daddie died four years ago I was 11 years old I miss him soo much he was overweight and died of a heart attack I didn't get to say goodbye to him

I am 15 now and still cannot accept the fact he is gone what gets me most is when my PE teacher talks about overweight people theur was one time when she said if you don't exercise you will get obease and have a heart attack and die this really hurt me She brought being overweight up again yesterday I just wish she would shut up my dad was overwieght and I wouldn't of changed one thing about him I no she doesn't no but I don't want to tell her either

I keep thinking of when the police woman informed me and my nan he had passed away worst night of my life I only had 11 and a half years with him but they where the best and they will be treasured forever xx RIP Daddy xx

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Jul 11, 2011
your dad
by: Janelle

Hi Val,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how hard it would be to hear your gym teacher talk about overweight people in such a negative way.

So often we (people in general) talk and we are only thinking about our own experience and not about how what we are saying may effect others with different experiences.

You will be in my thoughts today. You are much too young to loose a dad.

Janelle (administrator)

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