Articles on Grief
Handling Grief

This page will contain a growing list of articles on grief. Some of them will be my own, and some will be offered by experts in the field. Keep checking back for more to come.

Need to chat with a live person? Read our Online Grief Counseling Interviews.

Music and Grief is an article that tells how Brian used music to help him deal with his wife's long illness and death.

Grieving a Death Blamed on the Deceased is an article by professional counselor Marnie Macauley in response to an email to me. Many of my articles about grief and anger look at the anger I experienced toward the drunk driver. The site reader asks, "What if the friend you are grieving for was the drunk driver?"

Recovering from a Breakup and Tips for Getting through a Breakup are a two-part article by professional counselor, Ken Fields. They are especially helpful for those dealing with the grief of a divorce or breakup.

EFT Tapping in this article I give an introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique which I learned about in my Trauma Awareness and Resilience program. I have found it to be quite effective in dealing with the many emotions of grief and loss.

Christmas Grief is an article on dealing with grief and the holidays. It includes a bit of my story as well as some tips that have helped me along the way.

Prayer for Depression is an article that offers some different ways to pray in times of depression, sadness, and darkness.

Healthy Bereavement, Grieving is an article that looks at what a healthy bereavement process looks like and how grieving is important on our path back to wholeness.

Ten Tips for Handling Grief is an article about ten things I learned about how to deal with grief from my own journey.

Grief and Anger is an article that acknowledges that anger is a common emotion during grief. It suggests some helpful ways of dealing with anger so that anger does not consume you.

The Power of Scout is written by Abigail Fuller on the loss of her eight-year-old daughter. She writes very movingly of the lessons she learned through her grief. She originally gave this as a chapel service address at Manchester College where she is Associate Professor of Sociology.

Good and Bad; Love and Suffering is written by Sharon Landis. It is the story of her cancer journey. Grief is also suffered in the many instances when life hands us difficult circumstances. Sharon writes about her spiritual journey as she worked through the many losses that came to her in the form of cancer.

Children and Grief is an article of tips for helping children deal with grief.

Grief Rituals is an article that explains how developing individual grief rituals are important in working through especially difficult times in grief, such as anniversaries.

Grief and Church Attendance is an article responding to a reader's question about church attendance and grief. It is not uncommon for the bereaved to struggle with church attendance.

Christian Grief is an article that speaks to how grief relates to Christians and their faith and beliefs.

Expressions of Sympathy--what grief taught me by Peg Cromer, MSN. Although this article is about offering sympathy, I found that Peg's article helped to name some of my own experiences for me. It may be an article you want to send to family and friends to let them know what you are experiencing.

Also see more articles on grief related to the grief stages.

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