Comments for God, please dry my tears...

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Dec 02, 2011
I understand you completely Beth, please read this!!!
by: andrea

I can totaly identify with your pain and loss. The love of my life passed away last Sept 9,2010. It has been alittle over a year now, I still miss talking to him, hearing his voive, which gave me alot of cpmfort. We have two beautiful daughter's , he has a daughter from a previous marriage. We were married 28 years on July 14 2010 and have a grandaughter (7) and grandson (2) he passed away on his grandson's 2d birtday. I just want you to know I see a therapist every 2 wks. and am learning to get through him being gone. My daughter's and I beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ and what get's us through this is knowing he no longer is suffering, no longer in pain, loniness, but now is whole and we rejoice to know he is waiting for us with our heavenly father for the day he (Jesus) call's us home. My husband was cremated(his whishes)all I have are is personal effects from the hospital, which i'm not ready to give part with yet and i'm told I don't have to until i'm ready to. I cry alot too Beth, someday's are so bad I don't think I can make it, but somehow I do. I have just learned it's ok to cry for our loved one in public. What upset me the most was, every time I cried someone would say, it will be ok Andrea, you have your children and grandchildren, so you must keep going.I love my daughetr's and grandchildren very much, but they are grieving in their way and I grieve in my own way, it's different when it's a spouse, I know you know what I mean. So please be assured that my thought's and prayer's will be with you from this moment on and your healing will start now and don't let anyone tell you to get on and stop crying, thing's do get easier, but remember to heal , you have to let yourself cry, listen to music you and he enjoyed or just music that meind's you of him. You will get through this, I couldn't have told you this a year ago, but know I know how God listen's and answer's prayer's. God bless you and please know you will start feeling better, take it from a gal that didn't think she could!!!!!!

Oct 29, 2011
your tears
by: Janelle

Dear Becky,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sorry you feel that you have to pretend to people around you in life. After only a month and a half, you shouldn't have to pretend yet. Your tears and grief at this point are totally normal and understandable.

Tears and sadness are normal. And your tears are your bodies natural way of helping to release so many pent up emotions.

If you have the energy, I would encourage you to find a variety of ways to express the emotions that might feel trapped inside (that you have to pretend are not there). I used writing grief poems, grief journaling, and photography, but there are many ways that people have found to help express their story. Each person has to find their own way.

My prayers will be with you today. May you find glimmers of hope and beauty in the midst of your pain. Hugs.

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