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Jun 08, 2010
prayer for closure
by: Janelle

Loving God,

We join Gloria in her prayer for closure after the passing of her mother. For so many years she has focused much attention on caring for both her parents and then these last years for her mother.

Sustaining God, we ask that Gloria would feel your arms of love holding her as she makes this major transition in her life. We ask that she would find comfort and hope for the days ahead. Give her the ability to look deep within and find strength and peace for living in this new season.

May she find the closure that she is looking for as she lives her farewell to her mother.


Gloria, some folks have found Joyce Rupp's Praying Our Goodbyes: A Spiritual Companion Through Life's Losses and Sorrows to be a helpful resource in prayer for closure and in working through major life transitions and the loss of a loved one.

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